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101. Spin excitation anisotropy in the paramagnetic tetragonal phase of BaFe2As2
Yu Li, Weiyi Wang, Yu Song, Haoran Man, Xingye Lu, Frédéric Bourdarot, and Pengcheng Dai
Phys. Rev. B 96, 020404(R) (2017).  (Published on Jul 6th, 2017)  [pdf file]
102. Orbital selective neutron spin resonance in underdoped superconducting NaFe0.985Co0.015As
Weiyi Wang, J. T. Park, Rong Yu, Yu Li, Yu Song, Zongyuan Zhang, Alexandre Ivanov, Jiri Kulda, and Pengcheng Dai
Phys. Rev. B 95, 094519 (2017).  (Published on Mar 24th, 2017)  [pdf file]
103. Lattice distortion and charge density wave in Na2Ti2Sb2O revealed by scanning tunnelling microscopy
M. Q. Ren, Y. J. Yan, J. Jiang, S. Y. Tan, J. Miao, C. Chen, Y. Song, C. L. Zhang, P. C. Dai, B. P. Xie, T. Zhang, and D. L. Feng
Philosophical Magazine 97, 527 (2017).  (Published on Mar 24th, 2017)  [pdf file]
104. Spin excitations and the Fermi surface of superconducting FeS
Haoran Man, Jiangang Guo, Rui Zhang, Rico Schönemann, Zhiping Yin, Mingxuan Fu, Matthew B. Stone, Qingzhen Huang, Yu Song, Weiyi Wang, David J. Singh, Felix Lochner, Tilmann Hickel, Ilya Eremin, Leland Harriger, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Collin Broholm, Luis Balicas, Qimiao Si and Pengcheng Dai
NPJ Quantum Materials 2, 14 (2017).  (Published on Mar 10th, 2017)  [pdf file]
105. Superconductivity and electronic fluctuations in Ba1?xKxFe2As2 studied by Raman scattering
S.-F. Wu, P. Richard, H. Ding, H.-H. Wen, Guotai Tan, Meng Wang, Chenglin Zhang, Pengcheng Dai, and G. Blumberg
Phys. Rev. B 95, 085125 (2017)  (Published on Feb 21st, 2017)  [pdf file]
106. Uniaxial pressure effect on the magnetic ordered moment and transition temperatures in BaFe2?xTxAs2 (T = Co,Ni)
David W. Tam, Yu Song, Haoran Man, Sky C. Cheung, Zhiping Yin, Xingye Lu, Weiyi Wang, Benjamin A. Frandsen, Lian Liu, Zizhou Gong, Takashi U. Ito, Yipeng Cai, Murray N. Wilson, Shengli Guo, Keisuke Koshiishi, Wei Tian, Bassam Hitti, Alexandre Ivanov, Yang Zhao, Jeffrey W. Lynn, Graeme M. Luke, Tom Berlijn, Thomas A. Maier, Yasutomo J. Uemura, and Pengcheng Dai
Phys. Rev. B 95, 060505(R) (2017).  (Published on Feb 17th, 2017)  [pdf file]
107. Phase diagram and neutron spin resonance of superconducting NaFe1?xCuxAs
Guotai Tan, Yu Song, Rui Zhang, Lifang Lin, Zhuang Xu, Long Tian, Songxue Chi, M. K. Graves-Brook, Shiliang Li, and Pengcheng Dai
Phys. Rev. B 95, 054501 (2017)  (Published on Feb 3rd, 2017)  [pdf file]
108. Observation of the weak electronic correlations in KFeCoAs2 (3d6): an isoelectronic to the parent compounds of 122 series of iron pnictides BaFe2As2
Z H Liu, A N Yaresko, Y Li, P C Dai, H Zhang, B Büchner, C T Lin, and S V Borisenko
J. Phys: Condens. Matter 29, 085503 (2017).  (Published on Jan 12th, 2017)  [pdf file]
109. Spin anisotropy due to spin-orbit coupling in optimally hole-doped Ba0.67K0.33Fe2As2
Yu Song, Haoran Man, Rui Zhang, Xingye Lu, Chenglin Zhang, Meng Wang, Guotai Tan, L.-P. Regnault, Yixi Su, Jian Kang, Rafael M. Fernandes, and Pengcheng Dai
Phys. Rev. B 94, 214516 (2016)  (Published on Dec 23rd, 2016)  [pdf file]
110. A Mott insulator continuously connected to iron pnictide superconductors
Yu Song, Zahra Yamani, Chongde Cao, Yu Li , Chenglin Zhang, Justin S. Chen, Qingzhen Huang, Hui Wu, Jing Tao, Yimei Zhu, Wei Tian, Songxue Chi, Huibo Cao, Yao-Bo Huang, Marcus Dantz, Thorsten Schmitt, Rong Yu, Andriy H. Nevidomskyy, Emilia Morosan, Qimiao Si & Pengcheng Da
Nature Communications 7, 13879 (2016).  (Published on Dec 19th, 2016)  [pdf file]

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Created by Serena Dai and Alice Gu, 2005. Updated October 2013 by Yu Song. Currently managed by Lebing Chen.