- Taught undergraduate physics major and graduate level 342/555 (Introduction to Solid State Physics, Kittel) class at the Physics Department, the University of Tennessee Knoxville.
- Taught Physics 221/222 at physics undergraduate student level (Premedical students, College Physics) at the Physics Department, the University of Tennessee Knoxville from 2001-2003
- Taught undergraduate physics lab at University of Missouri.
- Taught undergraduate physics courses at Zhenghzhou University.
- Polarized, unpolarized, and time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering studies of magnetic dynamics in ideally doped and underdoped superconducting high-transition temperature superconductors;
- Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering studies of strongly correlated electron materials including colossal magneto-resistance (CMR) manganites and non-Fermi-liquid heavy fermions;
- Quasielastic neutron scattering studies of Monolayer of Flexible Rod-shaped Molecules adsorbed on graphite;
- Synchrotron x-ray diffraction and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) study of liquid crystal adsorbed on single crystal graphite and Synchrotron x-ray Diffraction studies of the structure and the growth of Xe and n-Alkane adsorbed on Ag(111) using a specially designed UHV system;
- Design and Construction of a novel low temperature Ultra-High Vacuum (UHV) chamber for synchrotron x-ray diffraction and low energy electron diffraction (LEED) from films physisorbed on single-crystal surfaces.
- July 1, 2020-present, Sam and Helen Worden Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Rice University
- August 1, 2013, Professor of Physics, Rice University
- August 1, 2006, Professor of Physics, The University of Tennessee
- August 1, 2006, Joint Faculty, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- August, 2003, Awarded tenure at the University of Tennessee
- April 1st, 2001, Associate Professor of Physics, The University of Tennessee
- Joint Faculty, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- May 1999- March 2001, Staff member II, Solid State Division, ORNL.
- Dec., 1996-May 1999, Staff member I, Solid State Division, ORNL.
- Oct., 1993-Dec, 1996, Postdoctoral Fellow, ORNL.
- Sep., 1993-Oct., 1993 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Missouri.
- Jun., 1988-Aug., 1993 Graduate Research Assistant, University of Missouri.
- Aug., 1987-Jun., 1988 Teaching Assistant, University of Missouri.
- Aug., 1986-Aug., 1988 Fellowship, University of Missouri.
- Aug., 1984-Aug., 1986 Instructor, Zhengzhou University.
- July 2022, Onnes Prize winner, Heike Kamerlingh
- June 2016, Sustained Research Prize winner, Neutron Scattering Society of America (NSSA).
- September 2008, Chair of Excellence, Joint Institute of Advanced Matierals (JIAM).
- July 2003, cowinner, outstanding young researchers by the Overseas Chinese Physics Association (OCPA).
- October 2001 winner, Professional Development Award at the University of Tennessee.
- March, 1999 winner, Research Accomplishment Award in the 1999 Awards Night Program at ORNL.
- Oct., 1998 winner, US Department of Energy’s Outstanding Scientific Accomplishment Award in the Condensed Matter Physics category.
- 1992-1993 1st place winner, Annual Research and Creative Activities Forum, University of Missouri.
- Superior Graduate Achievement Award, Graduate School, University of Missouri.
- Ernest. W. Landen Fellow, Department of Physics, University of Missouri.
Internal and external services:
- Refereeing for journals Nature, Science, Physical Review Letters, and Physical Review B;
- Reviewing research grant proposals for the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy;
- Active member, neutron scattering user group in charge of designing the chopper spectrometer at the spallation neutron source;
- International adviser, laboratory of high-transition temperature superconductors, institute of physics, Chinese academy of sciences, Beijing, China;
- Principle organizer of workshop �Physics in strongly correlated electron systems� held in Knoxville, Tennessee, April 16-17th, 2004.
- Advisory committee member, Center for superconductivity at the institute of physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
- Oversea Chinese Physics Association�s (OCPA) divisional coordinator. See: http://www.npl.uiuc.edu/jcpeng/ocpa/exec05-06.html
- Organizer for condensed matter physics program, OCPA �The 5th joint meeting of Chinese physicists worldwide� to be held in June, Taiwan, 2006. See: http://www.phys.sinica.edu.tw/~ocpa06/
Invited talks:
- Invited speaker to the opening ceremony of the International Team on Superconductivity and Novel Electron Materials (ITSCNEM), June 23, 2006. Institute of Physics, Beijing. �20 years of neutron scattering studies of high-Tc copper oxides: Search for universal features in different classes of materials.�
- Invited speaker 4th Beijing Forum for superconductivity, June 19-22, 2006. First city, Beijing. �Resonance in electron-doped high-Tc superconductor PrLaCeCuO�.
- Invited condensed matter seminar in Physics Department, Johns Hopkins University, April 19th, 2006.
- Invited condensed matter seminar in Physics Department, Purdue University, March 24th, 2006.
- Invited seminar at Central Research Institute of Power Industry, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 27th, 2005.
- Invited speaker at the international conference on superconductivity and materials, Tsukuba, Japan, Oct. 24-26, 2005.
- Invited speaker at second conference on user program for Chinese spallation neutron source, July 27th, 2005;
- Invited speaker at Kavli institute for theoretical physics, UCSB, July 20th, 2005;
- Invited speaker at conference on crystal growth, Big Sky, Montana, July 11th, 2005;
- Invited speaker at the Beijing forum on high-Tc superconductivity, June 6th, Beijing, China, 2005;
- Invited speaker at the 4th Asia-Pacific Physics workshop-frontier in condensed matter physics�, Beijing, China, May 27, 2005;
- Invited speaker at workshop on instrumentation with high magnetic fields, Tallahassee, May, 2005;
- Invited speaker at Study of Matter at Extreme Conditions, April 17, 2005;
- Condensed matter seminar, Princeton University, Oct. 11, 2004;
- Invited speaker at 3rd Workshop on Orbital Physics and Novel Phenomena in Transition Metal Oxides, Oct. 6-7, Berlin, Germany (2004);
- Invited speaker at the Beijing forum on high-Tc superconductivity, JinGang Mountain, China, July 3rd-8th, 2004;
- Invited speaker at �Joint meeting of Chinese physicists world-wide: international conference on physics education and frontier research�, June 28-July 1, 2004;
- Invited speaker at �The 2nd Asia-Pacific physics workshop-frontier in condensed matter physics�, Hong Kong, June 21-24, 2004;
- Invited speaker at the international workshop on �Self organized strongly correlated electron systems�, Santorini, Greece, August 2003;
- Invited speaker at APS march meeting, Montreal, March 2004;
- Invited speaker at the international workshop on Theory, Modeling, and Neutron Scattering, August 2003;
- Invited speaker at American Crystallographic society Annual meeting in Cincinnatic, OH, July 2003;
- Invited speaker at APS March meeting, March 2003;
- Invited talks at the international workshop on high-Tc superconductivity, Beijing, China, December 2002;
- Invited speaker at CMR manganites and related transition metal oxides, Telluride, Colorado, USA July 14-20, 2002;
- Invited speaker at the first American Conference for Neutron Scattering, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA June 24-28, 2002;
- Invited speaker at Beijing Forum for high-Tc superconductivity, Beijing, China June 10-14, 2002;
- Invited speaker at ORAU forum for neutron scattering, March 2002;
- Invited speaker at PPHMF-IV Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA October 19-25, 2001;
- Invited speaker at the 2nd International Workshop on Novel Quantum Phenomena in Transition Metal Oxides, Senda, Japan, August, 2001;
- Invited speaker at International workshop on high-Tc superconductivity in Lijiang, China, June, 2001;
- Condensed matter seminar at University of California-Los Angles, March, 2001;
- Invited symposium speaker at APS March meeting, Seattle, March, 2001;
- Colloquium and seminar at University of Notre Dame;
- Condensed matter physics seminar at Stanford University, Feb. 08, 2001;
- Colloquium and seminar at Boston College, December, 2000;
- Colloquium and condensed matter seminar at University of Missouri-Columbia, December, 2000;
- Colloquium and condensed matter seminar at University of California at San Diego, October, 2000;
- Invited seminar at Los Alamos National Laboratory, September, 2000; Colloquium at University of Tennessee, October, 2000;
- Workshop on �Modern trends of condensed matter physics�, Beijing, China, July, 2000;
- IIAS-JRCAT Joint workshop on "Phase Control in Correlated Electron Systems", Tsukuba, Japan, May, 2000;
- �Stripe Physics� workshop, Honolulu (January, 2000), University of Bristol, Bristol, England (February, 2000);
- Invited seminar at University of Tennessee (Nov. 1999);
- Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science (July, 1999);
- Frontier-Science Research Conference on colossal magneto-resistance oxides (June, 1999);
- National high magnetic field laboratory and Florida State University (1999);
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (1999);
- Rutgers University (1999);
- March meeting of American Physical Society (1998);
- International conference on neutron scattering, Toronto, Canada (1997);
- Fall meeting of materials society, Boston, MA (1996);
- Satellite Meeting to the XVIIth International Congress of Crystallography (1996);
- University of California at San Diego;
- Argonne National Laboratory;
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory;
- Invited talks at University of Missouri.